Two-Faced Beauty Short Story

I awake, my eyes fluttering like a stop-motion figurine. I bring my hands in closer, only to find that they have been dipped in the sunset. The black leather cap muffles my brain, doing what it can to keep the throbbing down. Without question, my hands spring into action, as if they were helping an... Continue Reading →

The Vinyl Tag

There's nothing like those first few moments of dead space before the record makes itself known. The anticipation of hearing that first note prepares you for the journey of going back to the song's conception, to what made it become a reality. The culture of the time, the writer's headspace, and influence all play a... Continue Reading →

Internship with BIAMI

Kinship ​My work with the Brain Injury Association of Michigan began in the early portion of October, and mainly focused on an aspect of what I thought a traumatic brain injury (TBI) survivor might want to share or read, being that I have been a survivor for twenty-one years. Once I had brought that to... Continue Reading →

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